Bawang Putih lived with her step mother and step sister, Bawang Merah, after her father died. Everday her step mother and her step sister asked Bawang Putih to do all households.
BM: Hey Bawang putih .. Come here !
BP: Yes, Bawng merah, what do yo need ?
BM: hmm .. take off my clothes ! Now !
BP: Yes, Bawang merah
(After Bawang putih take her clothes)
BM: Take it, and dry it with hairdair, because it`s wet. Hurry up because my
boyfriend will come
BP: Yes Bawang merah
(One hour later)
BP: Bawang merah, i`m so sorry your clothes ripped. I`m sorry.
BM: What ?? You a little dumb girl. Stupid !!
Mom : What a noise ?
BM: Mom, this girl make my clothes ripped. She so stupid
Mom: What !! Come here ! You will pay it !
(Grabbed her hair together)
Ting Tong Ting
BM:Who is that ?
Mom: I think it`s your boyfriend. Go my girl, get him.
BM: What ?? Oh my God, it`s wonderful.
Hey Bawang putih go inside, my boyfriend don`t want look your face.
BP: Hiks (crying)
Mom: Hello come here Andre .. (Bawang merah coming)
BM: Hello lovely, come in I wait your love.
BF: Yes Babe ..
Mom : I don`t want disturb your conversation, i`m back to kitchen ..
BM & BF : Yes Mom
(They speak each other)
BM: I want ice cream
BF: Sorry, I don`t have it .
BM: Ehhm ..
BF : Your father is a driver right ??
BM: Yes, why ?
BF: Please tell him to stop in front of your heart, can he ?
BM: Ehmm .. so sweet..
(One hour Later)
BF : Sorry i must go
BM: Yes, come here again some times
BF: Yes Bye..
BM: Bye..
One day Bawang Merah and her mother asked Bawang Putih to wash their clothes. Bawang putih went to river immediately to wash Bawang merah and her step mother`s clothes.
BM: Take our clothes, wash it in the river, quickly
BP: Yes Bawang merah
(In the river)
BP: Why father you leave me alone ? I don`t have anyone, just you.
(She have daydream and ....)
BP: What the hell .. that clothes washed away.. I must get it back..
Bawang Putih tried to chase that and she was helped by an old woman but before that Bawang putih had to help the old woman to do the household. Bawang putih did that and thanked to the old woman.
Grandma : I know your clothes girl, but can yiu help me do the household ??
I will give it back if you want to help me ..
BP: No problem Grandma I will do it..
(When the sun goes down)
BP: Everything okay Grandma, everything is clean now..
Grandma: Wow thanks a lot, I satisfed, this is your clothes, and i have a prize for you, i have 2 pumpkin, big and small. Now choose what do you want.
(Bawang putih choose the small pumpkin becasue she didn`t want to be greedy)
BP: This small pumpkin is enough for me Grandma, thanks, I`m back home. GBU
Grandma : GBU too..
When Bawang putih arrived at home, Bawang merah was angry to Bawang putih. Bawang putih explained everything that happened to her and then Bawang merah grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to floor.
BM: Shut up !!
(smashed th pumpkin and.. clack..clack.. dorr)
BM: What ?? This is beautiful jewelry .. wow it`s many of them. It`s all of mine.
Mom: Hey, Bawang putih bring Bawang merah to that river.. hurry up.
BM: Yes, come on little princess..
The next day , Bawang merah pretended to lose her clothes and she met the old woman. She asked Bawang merah to help her did the household ut Bawang merah refused it. Bawang merah just wanted to given he big pumpkin.
(In old woman house)
Grandma : Girl can you help me do the households ?
BM: Sorry Grandma, I can`t. I just want a big pumpkin, come on give to me, NOW
Grandma: This is your pump... kin..
BM: You`re slow Grandma..
After the old woman gave big pumpkin to Bawang merah and she disappeared. Bawang merah was very happy then she went home.
(In the home)
BM: I will rich, Mom i will rich
Mom: Come on Bawang merah smashed it on the floor...
BM: Yes mom, i will do it..
( Pyarr.. )
BM: What is this ?? Shit..
(They were shocked because they found a lot of poisonous snakes on it. They realized that they were too greedy, so they apologized to Bawang putih and promised to be a good family to her)
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